Monday, January 07, 2008

Succesful Sellers Think like Buyers

The most succesful sellers are the ones that think and act like buyers.
This is what they do:
  1. They search for homes that are for sale in their neighborhood in sites like This site provides listing details and free and unlimited access to comparables and most likely property market values. Maps are also included. These allow you to see the location of each property.
  2. They drive around and identify those properties that appear to be comparable and assess the external condition and comparability of those properties. They also look around for FSBO properties. FSBO sellers are actively competing with properties listed in the MLS . Potential sellers can contact FSBO owners directly and inquiry about asking prices as well as other relevant factors.
  3. They see their home thru the eyes of the buyers. We all believe what we have is better than what it actually is for others; thus, we need to be realistic. Value like beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Just because we like it does not mean the rest of the world will. How will a potential buyer react when visiting your home? Just think about your reaction when you are buying . And others will not be any different.!
  4. They establish the asking price by incorporating all the information gathered during the fact finding process. What will I be competing against? What are my goals? Do I need to sale? If so, how quickly? Many of our clients decide to sell by owner and we assit them in the marketing of their property. The fact is that you can be effective selling on your own as long as you are realistic! There is not a need to sacrifice quality for service nor a need to pay a commission of 6%.
  5. They are as factual and unbiased as they can be. They are good at removing the "emotional factor" from their decision. This is easier said than done but it must be done.

These are difficult times; be thoughful and honest in your process and you will be succesful.

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